
Wir suchen Lösungen jenseits des Gewohnten und wollen Anwendern neue Erlebnisse ermöglichen - um für unsere Kunden herausragende, erfolgreiche Produkte zu schaffen nutzen wir modernste Technologien.


Mit jahrelanger Erfahrung in der Spezifikation von Materialien für Sportartikel, Schuhe und Bekleidung verfügt unser Team über die Kompetenz, Materialien mit Lieferanten aus den unterschiedlichsten Branchen zu entwickeln.


Die Innovationskraft verdanken wir unserem Team, das immer wieder neue Wege geht, und unseren engen Beziehungen zu Entwicklungspartnern in aller Welt. Unsere Zusammenarbeit umfasst Themen wie Textilien, Verbundstoffe, Polymere, Spritzguss und additive Fertigung.

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15 Mai 2024

GOLD WINNER German Innovation Award for Somnosync sleep mask by DQBD and GEMTEC Laseroptische Systeme GmbH

14 Mai 2024

The DQBD team is honoured to participate at the German Innovation Award ceremony tonight at the Futurium in Berlin as a Gold Award Winner together with the innovator Gerhart Schroff

28 April 2024

Great to see that design and innovation make a difference in such important topics. As DQBD team we are happy to see that our design and AM solution for manufacturing of the HomeBraceGermany GmbH „my ecc pupil“ tracking eyewear device is such a success and helps improving life quality for those that need and deserve it.

15 April 2024

Congrats to Leverkusen and Lukas! We at DQBD are proud to have worked on the design and development of the gloves together with the uhlsport team.

14 April 2024

Where there is sports there is DQBD. Sunny running weather in Schorndorf, enthusiastic sportspeople and a fantastic atmosphere on the city piazzas make the „Altstadtlauf“,

19 März 2024

In the quest for materials that give our products the edge – DQBD @PERFORMANCE DAYS 2024. As designers, we expect the textiles in our products to meet a wide range of requirements:

9 März 2024

Last day at Taipei Cycle and Taispo – Thanks dear customers, partners, friends and former colleagues for the good meetings we had in Taipei and Taichung this week.

1 März 2024

NEWS from DQBD: meet us in Taipei/Taiwan. DQBD at the upcoming German-Taiwanese Conference on Sporting Goods, Fitness, and Leisure Equipment in Taipei.

16 Februar 2024

DQBD at Lineapelle in Milano for footwear innovation, latest shoe manufacturing technologies, textile & leather solutions and networking. Just the right place and opportunity to meet us and have a talk on Wednesday 21st. Looking forward to seeing you there.

26 Januar 2024

Greetings from the German Design Award 2024 in Frankfurt! We are happy to participate in this great international event and are inspired by the huge diversity here today!

24 Januar 2024

DQBD receives the German Design Award 2024 – On Friday, January 26, the German Design Council will be honoring the winners of the German Design Award 2024.
The German Design Council has been operating since 1953 as one of the world’s leading centers of expertise in communication and knowledge transfer within design, branding and innovation.

22 Januar 2024

DQBD Team Summit Winter – Fresh powder, sunshine and beautiful locations with an inspiring atmosphere were the perfect ingredients for a part of the DQBD team to spend 2 fantastic days in the mountains combining snowshoe hiking with workshop sessions.

16 Januar 2024

The story behind the Kempa KOURTFLY shoe. DQBD shares some insights of how a handball shoe actually comes to life and what steps and processes were taken by the DQBD and uhlsport GmbH team. Quite a journey a shoe needs to take…

10 Januar 2024

Proud to see the reveal of the new Kempa KOURTFLY Handball shoe supported by DQBD with design and development. Launched at the perfect moment for the European Handball Championships 2024. We wish all players great success.

20 Dezember 2023

Dear customers, Dear partners, Dear friends, the DQBD team wishes you all a wonderful, relaxing and inspiring Christmas and a great start in 2024.

5 Dezember 2023

We are happy to receive the prestigious German Design Award for the innovative sleep mask SOMNOSYNC. Together with GEMTEC a technology has been designed and developed that will be changing the “world of sleep and dream”.

4 Dezember 2023

Great play! Congrats to the whole team! What a final, what a success! And what a goalie! Great also to see that the gloves designed and developed by DQBD made it to the finals and possibly made the „little difference“ when it came to the penalty shootout

23 November 2023

DQBD at ISPO in Munich: We are looking forward to seeing innovative products and new trends in the sports world and meeting some of our customers. Feel free to use this opportunity and meet part of the DQBD GmbH team on Wednesday, November 29th.

10 November 2023

Yesterday we had the honour to participate in the winners ceremony of the Focus Open Design Award in the Design Center Baden-Württemberg, returning to the Baden-Württembergs origin of Design, after a 17 years period of external ceremony and exhibition. We are very happy to receive the Focus Silver Award for the Somnosync Traumbrille together with our customer GEMTEC Laseroptische Systeme GmbH. Thanks Gerhart Schroff for the great collaboration.

26 Oktober 2023

A+A 2023 in Düsseldorf. Thanks again for the great meetings and inspirational talks throughout the different fields of workwear and protection in the last two days.

25 Oktober 2023

Great A+A fair for safety, health and workwear in Düsseldorf! Good to see how sports inspired design and sustainability are coming in the play for workwear.

18 Oktober 2023

Innovation in personal protection and workwear – the fusion of sport product and workwear design: As an innovation driven design development firm, DQBD is always ready to present new solutions in sports and workwear as well as personal protection.

16 Oktober 2023

DQBD for SG Schorndorf handball: Successful teamsports at SG Schorndorf 1846 e. V. Not only have we got a long time design development partnership with and for the iconic handball brand KEMPA, DQBD also loves supporting teamsports, passionate handball talents and ambitioned athletes from our neighbourhood.

26 September 2023

LOCAL FOR LOCAL TO GO INTERNATIONAL: Cratoni Helmets GmbH has presented its all new MTB Enduro helmet designed by DQBD GmbH, featuring a RECCO system and MIPS technology at the IBF Italian Bike Festival in Misano and at the Sea Otter Europe in Girona.

22 September 2023

DQBD GmbH at alphacAM EXPO 2023: On September 27th the world of additive manufacturing comes together at the alphacAM EXPO in Schorndorf to experience and exchange on new AM technologies and latest innovations in AM.

21 September 2023

In these days the who is who of footwear industries and footwear innovation are meeting at Simac/Lineapelle in Milano. DQBD GmbH says thank you for the great meetings with customers, partners, suppliers and footwear enthusiasts. Looking forward to seeing the results of our projects.

15 September 2023

Let’s keep the CO2 footprint low! With our passion for sports also comes an environmental awareness, which we are trying to support by our everydays commuting to work.

4 September 2023

Meet us at Simac Tanning Tech and Lineapelle in Milano on September 19 and 20. See you soon! For more information about us, visit!

21 August 2023

DQBD offers more than just shoe design and development now also including data controlled development for performance shoes, whether running, cycling, soccer, safety or moto.

16 August 2023

In collaboration with GEMTEC and Stratasys, the DQBD team has designed and developed the SOMNOSYNC sleep mask. We chose the Stratasys H350 3D printer to print the snap-fit pieces based on SAF™ technology’s accuracy and repeatability. It was essential to precisely reproduce each snap-fit so the Somnosync’s components remain intact, and the user’s sleep can be tracked correctly.

20 Juni 2023

Sculptured saddles with perfectly designed powerlines for highest comfort and optimized riding performance in any terrain and on any route profile. DQBD GmbH publishes the patented SAM saddle evolution for dynamic riding.

12 Juni 2023

DQBD wins FOCUS 2023 Silver Award with the SOMNOSYNC sleep mask. We are proud to be part of this project. Together with the innovator Gerhart Schroff and the GEMTEC Laseroptische Systeme GmbH innovation team, the DQBD team has designed and developed the entire product embedding the new technology and created first fully functional testing prototypes with the Stratasys H350 printer using the biopolymer based PA11 material.

30 Mai 2023

Products as storytellers: The collaboration between The Sacred Crafts and DQBD GmbH is a story about the craft behind fashion. Products partially made from products that are already there. For us at DQBD, the magic about designing these TSC collectors’ timepieces was using abandoned wooden boats, scattered fishing nets and decommissioned bronze propellers as raw materials.

25 Mai 2023

DQBD GmbH team in action at the cooking event! Thanks to Gourmetcook Eberhard Braun, who guided us with his nice and professional way to refine our cooking skills.

12 Mai 2023

DQBD customers benefit from having a 360 degree design development support including industrialization development and the global supplier and partnership network of DQBD GmbH.

10 Mai 2023

DQBD GmbH designs and supports the SOMNOSYNC sleep mask introducing a new groundbreaking technology developed by GEMTEC that is used for RBD detection (a REM sleep behaviour disorder) and the therapy for people with sleep disorder.

2 Mai 2023

DQBD GmbH founder and CEO Sebastian Hess to speak at the Rapid.Tech 3D 2023: Save the date and meet our CEO Sebastian Hess in Erfurt from 9th – 10th May. He will be showcasing latest AM design solutions in healthcare products as well as in personal protection.

18 April 2023

DQBD for local athletes: Not only do we love working globally for some of the strongest sports brands and their world-class athletes, we also believe in acting locally by supporting talented and ambitioned athletes from our neighbourhood.

4 April 2023

More and more it is about personalised products. Great to see these special editions of the glove designs DQBD GmbH had created.

30 März 2023

Is AI generated and supported design actually made for real product or just for digital products in a virtual world or for esthetic showcasing? At DQBD GmbH we are continuously evaluating and testing how AI can bring in real value for the design process and how it can be embedded in our daily design development workflow and process to create efficient and relevant design ideation using a fast design iteration method in a controlled way.

24 März 2023

FOOTWEAR DESIGNERS are welcome to join the DQBD GmbH team. Sports & lifestyle shoes, running shoes, safety shoes, very specific auto racing, athletics or fencing shoes – we work on all facets of footwear design.

23 März 2023

Cratoni Helmets GmbH are presenting at the Taipei Cycle Show the newest releases including the very first samples of the superventilated MTB Enduro C-148 with integrated Mips and RECCO system designed by DQBD GmbH. Pass by and check them out till March 25th to be prepared for the starting riding season.

22 März 2023

DQBD Asia has started its activities in Taiwan meeting partners from the smart textile and wearable technologies industries. Together with the DQBD GmbH team we also visited the Taipei Cycle Show 2023 to meet our customer Cratoni Helmets GmbH launching our latest designed helmet C-148 and our long term partners SPORTSGEAR Group from the footwear industry.

17 März 2023

Once again the CYCLINGWORLD EUROPE brought together the passion and the trends for cycling in Düsseldorf. Year by year there is more diversification on the riding categories and therefore the need for very specific accessories according to the riding style. We believe for many consumers there might be also a „one helmet for all“ solution, not only when looking at the budget they have to spend, but also when thinking about reducing the amount of products they have in their garage which does not seem to support the idea of sustainability and with that said the responsibility of every user in the world of cycling.